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Apr, 2023

Hit A Thon Winners

Without further delay- the top 3 earners of the

5th Linden Little League annual Hit-A-Thon


1st place : Jeremy "JJ" Hjelmstad

2nd place: James Bohacek

3rd place: Jackson Almeida

Their bats will be presented to them at the 7th Inning Stretch Ceremony and Home Run Derby, on Friday, April 21st


Farthest hit by division in the Hit-A-Thon were:

Tball: Brody Miller

Minor B: Devin Casperson

Minor A: Samuel Richardson

Majors: Carmelo Ayala

50/70: Gage Wicke

They will receive 2 tickets, to the Linden Little League San Francisco Giants game on Sunday, May 21st at the 7th Inning Stretch Ceremony and Home Run Derby, on Friday, April 21st.

Thank you to all who participated and supported out league!